Why Proper Storage is Crucial for Full Artificial Christmas Trees
In the past few years, full artificial Christmas trees have become very popular. These trees are often made of PVC or plastic and come in many different styles and colors. They are much more affordable than their real counterparts, but they still offer all the beauty and elegance of a real tree.
Expert Tips for Storing Full Artificial Christmas Trees
If you have decided to purchase a full artificial Christmas tree this year, here are some expert tips for storing them properly so that they will last longer and look better:
- Store your artificial tree inside its original box until it is time to set it up. The box will protect the tree from dust and dirt when it’s not in use. You can also store your artificial tree in a large storage bin or plastic container with holes punched into the sides so that any excess moisture can escape.
- When storing your artificial tree, keep it away from direct sunlight and heat sources such as heating vents or radiators. Prolonged exposure to sunlight and heat can cause the plastic material used to make these trees to fade over time.
- Make sure that there is plenty of room around your artificial tree when setting up your holiday decorating supplies so that you don’t damage any branches or break off any needles while moving things around in preparation for Christmas.
- Make sure there’s no dirt or debris stuck in the branches or needles. Use a soft brush to dust each branch and needle gently, then vacuum up any loose dust. If there are any stubborn spots, use a Q-tip dipped in alcohol to clean them out. Then wipe down the entire tree with a damp cloth until all residue is gone. Rinse the tree well with cool water, then let it dry completely before putting it away for next year.
- If you purchased a pre-lit artificial Christmas tree, make sure you remove all lights before storing it until next year! You don’t want your lights shorting out from getting wet or dusty over time. You can leave lights on if they’re battery operated (my go-to option), but otherwise make sure they’re off so they won’t ruin your bulbs or other electrical components over time while they’re packed away in storage.
- It’s important not to leave your tree outside when it’s raining or snowing because this can cause damage to the branches and needles that aren’t visible from the outside. If you have no choice but to leave your tree outside during inclement weather, cover it with a tarp or other waterproof material so water doesn’t pool inside any of its parts. This will also keep out dirt, insects and other pests that might seek shelter inside during cold winter months.
- Artificial trees aren’t as absorbent as real trees, so they can dry out quickly if left in the open air. If you plan on storing your tree for the winter, place it in a box or cover it with a large plastic bag with holes punched in it to allow air flow. Wet down the tree with water before storing if it’s very dry or brittle.